2009年7月27日 星期一


Arand, Charles P. "Doctrine as Pastoral Care", Concordia Journal, July, 1999: 234-236.

Gunton, Colin E.
The Christian Faith: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine. Malden, MA.: Blackwell, 2001.

Hart, Trevor. Faith Thinking: The Dynamics of Christian Theology. Downers Grove, IL.: IVP, 1995.

Kolb, Robert. The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition. St. Louis, MO.: CPH, 1993.

Mueller, Steven P.(ed.) Called to Believe, Teach and Confess: An Introduction to Doctrinal Theology. Eugene, OR.: Wipf & Stock, 2005.

Nielsen, Glenn. "Preaching Doctrine in a Postmodern Age",
Concordia Journal, Jan., 2001: 17-29.

Preus, Klemet. "Doctrine and Practice: Resisting the Influence of Evangelicalism."
LOGIA, vol.18, no.2, 2009:13-22.

Sauter, Gerhard. Gateways to Dogmatics: Reasoning Theologically for the Life of the Church. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 2003.

鄧紹光。「神學如何可能?——在傳統與終末之間輾轉而生」,於《三一‧創造‧文化:根頓神學的詮釋》。香港:基道出版社,2006: 61-69.

霍華德‧斯通(Howard W. Stone)、詹姆斯‧杜克(James O. Duke)。《基督徒的神學思考》。香港:基道出版社,2007.



根頓(Colin E. Gunton)。《如此我信:基督教教義導引》。趙崇明、鄧紹光譯,香港:基道出版社,2009.
