2009年7月27日 星期一


Arand, Charles P. "Doctrine as Pastoral Care", Concordia Journal, July, 1999: 234-236.

Gunton, Colin E.
The Christian Faith: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine. Malden, MA.: Blackwell, 2001.

Hart, Trevor. Faith Thinking: The Dynamics of Christian Theology. Downers Grove, IL.: IVP, 1995.

Kolb, Robert. The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition. St. Louis, MO.: CPH, 1993.

Mueller, Steven P.(ed.) Called to Believe, Teach and Confess: An Introduction to Doctrinal Theology. Eugene, OR.: Wipf & Stock, 2005.

Nielsen, Glenn. "Preaching Doctrine in a Postmodern Age",
Concordia Journal, Jan., 2001: 17-29.

Preus, Klemet. "Doctrine and Practice: Resisting the Influence of Evangelicalism."
LOGIA, vol.18, no.2, 2009:13-22.

Sauter, Gerhard. Gateways to Dogmatics: Reasoning Theologically for the Life of the Church. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 2003.

鄧紹光。「神學如何可能?——在傳統與終末之間輾轉而生」,於《三一‧創造‧文化:根頓神學的詮釋》。香港:基道出版社,2006: 61-69.

霍華德‧斯通(Howard W. Stone)、詹姆斯‧杜克(James O. Duke)。《基督徒的神學思考》。香港:基道出版社,2007.



根頓(Colin E. Gunton)。《如此我信:基督教教義導引》。趙崇明、鄧紹光譯,香港:基道出版社,2009.

2009年7月10日 星期五


愛若‧霍維寧(Eero Huovinen)。《牧師?》。黃占竹譯,香港:道聲,2004年。

Klug, Eugene F. A. Church and Ministry: the Role of Church, Pastor, and People from Luther to Walther. St. Louis, MO.: Concordia Publishing House, 1993.

Lathrop, Gordon W. The Pastor: a Spirituality. Minneapolis, MN.: Fortress, 2006.

Wengert, Timothy J. Priesthood, Pastors, Bishops: Public Ministry for the Reformation & Today. Minneapolis, MN.: Fortress, 2008.

2009年6月10日 星期三


Greene, Colin J. D. Christology in Culture Perspective: Marking out the Horizons. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 2003.

Gunton, Colin E. Christ and Creation. Eugene, OR.: Wipf & Stock, 1992.

Kleinig, John W. "The Subordination of the Exalted Son to the Father." Lutheran Theological Review, vol.18, 2005-2006:41-52.

Preus, Jacob A. O. Just Words: Understanding the Fullness of the Gospel. St. Louis, MO.: Concordia Publishing House, 2000.

Scaer, David P. Christology. Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics, vol. VI, St. Louis, MO.: Luther Academy, 1989.

包衡(Richard Bauckham)。《被釘的神:新約的獨一神論和基督論》。李樹德譯,香港:基道,2002年。


Aurelius, Carl Axel. "God's Smile: Worship as Source of Christian Life." LOGIA, vol.18, no.2, 2009:5-10.

2009年4月9日 星期四


Kolb, Robert. Make Disciples Baptizing: God's Gift of New Life and Christian Witness. St. Louis, MO.: Concordia Seminary, 1997.

Stjerna, Kirsi. No Greater Jewel: Thinking about Baptism with Luther. Lutheran Voice Series, Minneapolis, MN.: Augsburg Fortress, 2009.

2009年3月26日 星期四


Long, D. Stephen. Divine Economy: Theology and the Market. London: Routledge, 2000.

Meeks, M. Douglas. God the Economist: the Doctrine of God and Political Economy. Minneapolis, MN.: Fortress, 1989.

Tanner, Kathryn. Economy of Grace. Minneapolis, MN.: Fortress, 2005.

2009年3月4日 星期三


Brennan, Lawrence C. "Roman Catholic Speaking the Gospel into Postmodern Ears", Concordia Journal, Apr., 2001: 116-123.

Brown, Delwin, Sheila Greeve Davaney and Kathryn Tanner(ed.) Converging on Culture: Theologians in Dialogue with Cultural Analysis and Criticism. Oxford: Oxford, 2001.

Erickson, Millard J. Postmodernizing the Faith: Evangelical Responses to the Challenge of Postmoderism. Grand Rapids, MI.: Baker, 1998.

Grenz, Stanley J. Renewing the Center: Evangelical Theology in a Post-Theological Era. Grand Rapids, MI.: Baker, 2000.

Lynch, Gordon. Understanding Theology and Popular Culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005.

Miller, Vincent J. Consuming Religion: Christian Faith and Practice in a Consumer Culture. New York: Continuum, 2008.

Okamoto, Joel P. "Lutheran Speaking the Gospel into Postmodern Ears", Concordia Journal, Apr., 2001: 100-107.

Riggs, John W. "Protestant Speaking the Gospel into Postmodern Ears", Concordia Journal, Apr., 2001: 124-133.

Tanner, Kathryn. Theory of Culture: A New Agenda for Theology. Minneapolis, MN.: Fortress, 1997.

Torrance, Thomas F. Christian Theology & Scientific Culture. New York: Oxford University, 1981.

Williams, Michael D. "Presbyterians Speaking the Gospel into Postmodern Ears", Concordia Journal, Apr., 2001: 108-115.


Karkkainen, Veli-Matti. Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI.: Baker, 2002.

Nagel, Norman. "The Spirit's Gifts in the Confession and in Corinth." Concordia Journal, vol.18, no.3, 1992:230-243.

2009年2月13日 星期五


Bayer, Oswald. Theological the Lutheran Way. Edited & Translated by Jefferey G. Silcock and Mark C. Mattes, Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 2007.

Kinast, Robert L. Making Faith-Sense: Theological Reflection in Everyday Life. Collegeville, MN.: The Liturgical Press, 1999.

Kinast, Robert L. What Are They Saying about Theological Reflection? Mahwah, NJ.: Paulist Press, 2000.

Stackhouse, John G., Jr. (ed.) Evangelical Futures: A Conversation on Theological Method. Grand Rapids, MI.: Baker, 2000.


霍華德‧斯通(Howard W. Stone)、詹姆斯‧杜克(James O. Duke)。《基督徒的神學思考》。香港:基道,2007。

2009年2月6日 星期五


Barclay, Alexander. The Protestant Doctrine of the Lord's Supper: A Study in the Eucharist Teaching of Luther, Zwingli and Calvin. Glasgow: Jackson, Wylie & Co., 1927.

Elert, Werner. Eucharist and Church Fellowship in the First Four Centuries. Translated by N. E. Nagel, St. Louis, MO.: Concordia, 1996.

Kilmartin, Edward J. The Eucharist in the West. Collegeville, MN.: The Liturgical Press, 1998.

LaVerdiere, Eugene. The Eucharist in the New Testament and the Early Church. Collegeville, MN.: The Liturgical Press, 1996.

Letham, Robert. The Lord's Supper: Eternal Word in Broken Bread. Phillipsburg, NJ.: P&R., 2001.

Moloney, Francis J. A Body Broken for a Broken People: Eucharist in the New Testament. Victoria: HarperCollins, 1997.

Moore, Russell D. et al. Understanding Four Views on the Lord's Supper. Grand Rapids, MI.: Zondervan, 2007.

Rordorf, Willy et al. The Eucharist of the Early Christian. Translated by Matthew J. O'Connell. Collegeville, MN.: The Liturgical Press, 1978.

Stephenson, John R.
The Lord's Supper. Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics, vol. XII, St. Louis, MO.: Luther Academy, 2003.

2009年2月5日 星期四


Gunton, Colin E. Christ and Creation. Eugene, OR.: Wipf & Stock, 1992.

Gunton, Colin E.
The Triune Creator: A Historical and Systematic Study. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 1998.

May, Gerhard. Creatio Ex Nihilo: The Doctrine of 'Creation out of Nothing' in Early Christian Thought. translated by A. S. Worrall, London: T & T Clark, 1994.

Schwarz, Hans.
Creation. Grand Rapids, MI.: Eerdmans, 2002.

Trost, Lou Ann. "Theology's Need for a New Interpretation of Nature: Correlate of the Doctrine of Grace." Dialog, vol.46, no.3, 2007:246-254.

Wingren, Gustaf. Creation and Law. Translated by Ross Mackenzie, Philadelphia: Muhlenberg, 1961.